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International Financial Markets Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download

International Financial Markets Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), international financial markets quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 1 for online MBA degree programs.

"The global bond market consists of all bonds sold by issued companies, governments, or other firms" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on international financial markets with choices outside their own countries, within their own countries, to london banks, and to developing nations only for online MBA schools. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning foreign exchange market quiz questions for MBA degree online.

MCQs on International Financial Markets Quiz 1 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: global bond market consists of all bonds sold by issued companies, governments, or other firms

  1. within their own countries
  2. outside their own countries
  3. to London banks
  4. to developing nations only


MCQ: More instability in currency is called as

  1. country risk
  2. financial risk
  3. currency risk
  4. liquidity risk


MCQ: Foreign bonds issued in Japan are known

  1. bulldog bonds
  2. dragon bonds
  3. Yankee bonds
  4. samurai bonds


MCQ: Largest number of buyers and sellers, greater the

  1. liquidity
  2. speculation
  3. hedging
  4. forward rate


MCQ: exchange rate entail delivery of trade currency within two business days know as

  1. forward rate
  2. future rate
  3. spot rate
  4. bid rate