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International Flow of Funds Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download

International Flow of Funds Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), international flow of funds quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 1 for online MBA degree programs.

"Numerous European nations accepted the Euro as their currency in" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on international flow of funds with choices 1997, 1998, 1999, and 1996 to learn distance learning courses. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning eurobond quiz questions for easiest online MBA programs to get into.

MCQs on International Flow of Funds Quiz 1 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: Numerous European nations accepted Euro as their currency in

  1. 1998
  2. 1997
  3. 1999
  4. 1996


MCQ: Financial account was earlier called as

  1. capital account
  2. current account
  3. factor income
  4. liability account


MCQ: Factor proceeds are part of which section of balance of payments

  1. liabilities
  2. current account
  3. balance of trade
  4. both a & b


MCQ: Structural Adjustment Lending boosts country's

  1. short term economic growth
  2. long-term economic growth
  3. short term financing
  4. long-term financing


MCQ: World Bank Group recognized in

  1. 1940
  2. 1945
  3. 1944
  4. 1947