BBA Marketing Degree Courses

Principles of Marketing Practice Tests

Principles of Marketing Online Tests

Promotional Mix MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Promotional Mix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Promotional Mix MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Principles of Marketing Tests. Study Marketing Communications: Customer Value Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Promotional Mix quiz answers PDF for online marketing master degree. The Promotional Mix MCQ App Download: Free learning app for media marketing, developing effective marketing communication test prep for online schools for business administration.

The MCQ: The consumer promotion technique according to which product consumers are told to submit their names for drawing is classified as; "Promotional Mix" App Download (Free) with answers: Cash refunds; Cash sample; Sweepstakes; Cents off deals; for online marketing master degree. Practice Promotional Mix Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online bachelor degree programs in business administration.

Promotional Mix MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The promotion tools such as sweepstakes, event sponsorships, samples and coupons are classified in category of

  1. organizational promotion
  2. consumer promotions
  3. inbound promotion
  4. outbound promotion
MCQ 2:

The consumer promotion technique according to which product consumers are told to submit their names for drawing is classified as

  1. cash refunds
  2. cash sample
  3. sweepstakes
  4. cents off deals
MCQ 3:

According to consumer promotion techniques, the cash refunds are also classified as

  1. price packs
  2. sweepstakes
  3. point of purchase promotions
  4. cash rebates
MCQ 4:

The concept which states information about value, opportunities and rewards of good performance as thought by sales people is called

  1. organizational climate
  2. media climate
  3. sales climate
  4. outbound climate
MCQ 5:

The series of steps that must be followed by sales people is classified as

  1. marketing process
  2. selling process
  3. intermediation process
  4. nominal process

Principles Of Marketing Practice Tests

Promotional Mix Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Promotional Mix App (Android & iOS)

Promotional Mix App (Android & iOS)

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