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Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 15

The Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-15 to solve BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Learn Job Analysis MCQ Questions PDF, Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online HR management certification. The Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Trivia App Download: Free educational app for job analysis in worker empowered world, analyzing training needs and designing program test prep for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration.

The Trivia MCQ: Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective results, known as; "Job analysis in Worker Empowered World" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Assigning additional activities to workers; Redesigning jobs of workers; Moving workers from one job to the other; Reengineering; for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration. Study Job Analysis Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for business management classes online.

Job analysis in Worker Empowered World Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 15

MCQ 71:

Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective results, known as

  1. redesigning jobs of workers
  2. assigning additional activities to workers
  3. moving workers from one job to the other
  4. reengineering
MCQ 72:

'Managing tasks effectively' comes under

  1. personal competencies
  2. interpersonal competencies
  3. business management
  4. Both A and C
MCQ 73:

The term 'job enlargement' means

  1. redesigning jobs for workers
  2. assigning additional activities for workers
  3. moving workers from one job to the other
  4. none of above
MCQ 74:

The 'moving stage' in Lewin's organizational change process considers

  1. mobilize commitment
  2. consolidation of gains
  3. monitoring and assessing programs
  4. reinforcement of new programs
MCQ 75:

The 'self-designing organizations' is an example of

  1. human process intervention
  2. techno structural interventions
  3. strategic intervention
  4. HRM interventions

BBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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