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Opportunity Cost Questions and Answers PDF Download 69

Learn opportunity cost trivia questions to learn MBA for online business management degree, MBA test prep 69 for distance education courses with supply and demand test and MCQs. College and universitiy courses MCQs, , islamic banking, demand, basic rules of musharika, promotion, opportunity cost test prep for fastest online MBA program.

"Customers will be ready to purchase a specified quantity of a product, at a specified price, if the marginal utility of further spending is equivalent to the", opportunity cost Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices opportunity cost, cost, revenue, and product cost to learn certification courses online. For admission and scholarhsips' exams, learn supply and demand multiple choice questions to practice MCQ based quiz question and answers.

Trivia Quiz on Opportunity Cost PDF Download eBook 69

Opportunity Cost Quiz

Customers will be ready to purchase a specified quantity of a product, at a specified price, if marginal utility of further spending is equivalent to the

  1. cost
  2. opportunity cost
  3. revenue
  4. product cost


Promotion Quiz

To raise demand is purpose of

  1. location
  2. segmentation
  3. services
  4. promotion


Basic Rules of Musharika Quiz

Must be sound & mature and be competent of entering into an agreement is

  1. pros of musharika
  2. basic rules and features of musharika
  3. cons of musharika
  4. musharika


Demand Quiz

How much (quantity) of a commodities or service is wanted by buyers is

  1. supply
  2. demand
  3. elasticity
  4. law of demand


Islamic Banking Quiz

Factually it means a credit sale is

  1. bai muajjal
  2. mudarabah
  3. ijarah
  4. murabaha