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BBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 139

Strategic Management Process Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 139

The Strategic Management Process Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Strategic Management Process Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-139 to solve BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Learn Managers Role in Strategic HRM MCQ Questions PDF, Strategic Management Process Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online certification courses. The Strategic Management Process Trivia App Download: Free educational app for strategic management process, money and motivation, employer life cycle career management, what is hrm and why it is important, types of tests test prep for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration.

The Quiz: The 'market leadership' can be the best classified as; "Strategic Management Process" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Potential Threats; Potential opportunities; Potential Strengths; Potential Weaknesses; for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration. Study Managers Role in Strategic HRM Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for business management classes online.

Strategic Management Process Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 139

MCQ 691:

The 'market leadership' can be the best classified as

  1. Potential opportunities
  2. Potential Threats
  3. Potential Strengths
  4. Potential Weaknesses
MCQ 692:

The portion of increased salary paid to employee for an individual performance is called

  1. merit pay
  2. motivators
  3. de-merit pay
  4. fixed merit pay
MCQ 693:

The 'explanation of Social Security benefits' is an example of

  1. phased retirement
  2. preretirement counseling
  3. honoring experience
  4. modifying selection procedure
MCQ 694:

'Human Resource Management' is the process of

  1. Acquiring Employees
  2. Training Employees
  3. Appraising and Compensating Employees
  4. all of above
MCQ 695:

In a big five models, 'openness to experience' is the tendency to be

  1. imaginative
  2. assertive
  3. achievement
  4. autonomous

BBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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