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MBA Project Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Project Management Practice Test 8

Negotiation and Project Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 8

The Negotiation and Project Management MCQ with Answers PDF (Negotiation and Project Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-8 to prepare MBA Project Management Practice Tests. Learn Management of Conflicts and Negotiation Test PDF, Negotiation and Project Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for 1 year MBA programs. The Negotiation and Project Management MCQ App Download: Free certification app for special demands on project manager, mixed organizational systems, project portfolio process, risk management and project office, negotiation and project management test prep to study online management courses.

The MCQ: Approaching intra-project disputes with a desire to have a victory over other parties is; "Negotiation and Project Management" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Ideal Approach; Appropriate; Key to success; Inappropriate; for 1 year MBA programs. Practice Management of Conflicts and Negotiation Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for executive MBA programs.

Negotiation and Project Management MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 8

MCQ 36:

Approaching intra-project disputes with a desire to have a victory over other parties is

  1. Appropriate
  2. Ideal Approach
  3. key to success
  4. Inappropriate
MCQ 37:

The sixth sub process in the risk management process is

  1. Risk Response
  2. Qualitative Risk Analysis
  3. Risk monitoring and controlling
  4. Quantitative Risk Analysis
MCQ 38:

Projects involving a "disruptive" technology that is known to the industry or that the organization has been developing over time, are

  1. Breakthrough Projects
  2. Derivative Projects
  3. Platform Projects
  4. R & D projects
MCQ 39:

Pure functional and pure project organizations may

  1. Cooperate
  2. Coexist
  3. Collaborate
  4. Oppose
MCQ 40:

The need to preserve some balance between the project time, cost, and performance is in

  1. First set of trade-offs
  2. Second set of trade-offs
  3. Third set of trade-offs
  4. Fourth set of trade-offs

MBA Project Management Exam Prep Tests

Negotiation and Project Management Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Negotiation and Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Negotiation and Project Management App (Android & iOS)

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