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MBA Project Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Project Management Practice Test 10

Project Manager and Management MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 10

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Project Manager and Management MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 10

MCQ 46:

The Project Management Journal and PM Network magazines were founded by

  1. PMI
  2. PMS
  3. MIS
  4. PMBOK
MCQ 47:

The implemented first-part of partnering process covers

  1. Resolving problems
  2. Joint evaluation
  3. Acceptance of goal for improvement
  4. Support for the process From SM
MCQ 48:

The commitment to project portfolio process, supporting process and results is done at

  1. Collect Project Data
  2. Organizing the process
  3. Implement the Process
  4. Reserving the process
MCQ 49:

Project managers need to face a number of problems, and to deal with them they use

  1. Models
  2. Report reviews
  3. Charts
  4. Profit Review calculations
MCQ 50:

The subcontractor's objective is to produce the deliverables at the

  1. High profit
  2. High quality
  3. Least delay
  4. High delay

MBA Project Management Exam Prep Tests

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