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IGCSE O Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 188

Mineral Salts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 188

The Mineral Salts MCQ with Answers PDF (Mineral Salts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-188 to prepare IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Ecology O level Biology Test PDF, Mineral Salts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for ACT practice test. The Mineral Salts MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for mineral salts, introduction to biotechnology, smoking related diseases: lung cancer, nutrition: introduction, viruses: biochemical parasites test prep to study distance learning courses.

The MCQ Quiz: Ability to withstand fluctuations in salt concentration is more in; "Mineral Salts" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Sea water organisms; Fresh water organisms; Brackish water organisms; Muddy water organisms; for ACT practice test. Practice Ecology O level Biology Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online degrees.

Mineral Salts MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 188

MCQ 936:

Ability to withstand fluctuations in salt concentration is more in

  1. fresh water organisms
  2. sea water organisms
  3. brackish water organisms
  4. muddy water organisms
MCQ 937:

First use of pure microbiological process in an industrial procedure was made by

  1. Alexander Fleming
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Chaim Weizmann
MCQ 938:

Chronic Obstructive lung disease occurs because of

  1. Chronic bronchitis only
  2. Emphysema only
  3. Asthma
  4. Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema
MCQ 939:

Unsaturated fatty acid chains bend at places of

  1. carbon molecules
  2. hydrogen molecules
  3. oxygen molecules
  4. nitrogen molecules
MCQ 940:

Tadpole shaped viruses are largely

  1. tobacco mosaic virus
  2. bacteriophages
  3. influenza virus
  4. may cause death

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Mineral Salts Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Mineral Salts App (Android & iOS)

Mineral Salts App (Android & iOS)

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