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C++ Functions Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 57

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C++ Functions Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 57

MCQ 281: The strand function is used for

A) Calling a maths function
B) Including the timestamps
C) Getting randomizing effect
D) None of them

MCQ 282: Analysis process which involves analyzing and designing of system from an object-oriented programming is termed as

A) Object Analysis
B) Object Oriented Analysis
C) Overall Oriented Analysis
D) System Analysis

MCQ 283: Which C header file contains only functions for manipulating null-terminated arrays of characters

D) All of them

MCQ 284: A translator program that converts the high level language programs into machine language, is called

A) Assembler
B) Compiler
C) Converter
D) All of them

MCQ 285: Function which provides the only way to access its data is

A) member function
B) bit function
C) obj function
D) linear function

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