Computer Science Degree Courses
Chapter 2: Computer Architecture Exam Tests
Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 2
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The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): If we are primarily concerned with response time, Performance = 1/ Execution Time, the given relation shows that performance is increased; "Assessing Computer Performance" App Download (Free) with answers: When execution time is increased; When execution time is decreased; When execution time is has no effect; for online computer engineering programs. Solve Loop Level Parallelism Detection Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer information science.
If we are primarily concerned with response time, Performance = 1/ Execution Time, the given relation shows that performance is increased
What will be the clock rate of a processor having 0.25 cycle time?
The speed at which a microprocessor executes instructions is known as
The native MIPS has the MIPS measurement of
If computer A executes a program in 10 seconds and computer B runs the same in 15 seconds, how much faster is computer A than computer B?
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