Computer Science Degree Courses
Chapter 3: Computer Architecture Exam Tests
Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 3
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The MCQ: How to load 32-bit FP word instruction into F4 register MIP'S; "Computer Arithmetic" App Download (Free) with answers: Lwc1 $f4,x($sp); Lc1 $f4,x($sp); Lsw1 $f4,x($sp); Ld $f4,x($sp); for CS major. Solve Physical Infrastructure and Costs Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college classes.
How to load 32-bit FP word instruction into F4 register MIP'S?
What will be the sum of Adding these two binary numbers (0000 0111)2 and (0000 0110)2?
The multiplication of these floating points (1.110)10 x (9.200)10 yields
Negating (2)10 and then checking the result by negating (-2)10
In double precision format, the size of the mantissa is
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