Computer Science Degree Courses

Operating System Certification Exam Tests

Operating System Practice Test 6

Computer system organization MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 6

The Computer system organization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Computer system organization MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-6 to solve Operating System Practice Tests. Study Introduction to Operating Systems quiz answers PDF, Computer system organization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online master computer science. The Computer system organization MCQs App Download: Free educational app for computer system organization, input output and internet management, what is process test, microkernel architecture, cache principles test prep for computer and information science.

The MCQs: Example of open source operating system is; "Computer system organization" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Linux; UNIX; Windows; for online master computer science. Practice Introduction to Operating Systems Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for 2 year computer science degree.

Computer system organization MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 6

MCQ 26:

Example of open source operating system is

  1. UNIX
  2. Linux
  3. windows
  4. both a and b
MCQ 27:

For a single processor system, implementation of semaphores is possible to inhibited through

  1. Deadlock
  2. Interrupts
  3. Lock Step
  4. Paging
MCQ 28:

If the process is running currently executing, it is in the running

  1. Mode
  2. Process
  3. State
  4. Program
MCQ 29:

Microkernel design imposes a uniform

  1. Process
  2. Program
  3. Interface
  4. System
MCQ 30:

Cache memory is intended to provide memory access

  1. Fastest
  2. Slow
  3. Very Slow
  4. Comparatively Fast

Operating System Exam Prep Tests

Computer system organization Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Computer system organization App (Android & iOS)

Computer system organization App (Android & iOS)

Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)

Operating Systems App (iOS & Android)

Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

Digital Image Processing App (Android & iOS)

Digital Image Processing App (iOS & Android)