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Computer Architecture Practice Test 64

Computer Instructions Representations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 64

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Computer Instructions Representations MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 64

MCQ 316:

Server clusters grow to 10th of thousands and beyond, are called

  1. warehouse-scale computer
  2. servers
  3. kernel
  4. supercomputers
MCQ 317:

To solve the problems with a simple hardware technique called forwarding, also known as

  1. bypassing
  2. short-circuiting
  3. stalling
  4. both a and b
MCQ 318:

The representation of instruction, in the form of fields, is called

  1. machine code
  2. instruction format
  3. nyquist theorem
  4. queue
MCQ 319:

A processor, assigned with a thread block, that executes a code, which we usually call a

  1. multithreaded DIMS processor
  2. multithreaded SIMD processor
  3. multithreaded queue
  4. multithreaded stack
MCQ 320:

Undefined instruction can be handled by defining the next-state value, for every op value other than

  1. lw, sw, 0 (r-type),
  2. j
  3. beq
  4. all above

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Computer Instructions Representations Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Computer Instructions Representations App (Android & iOS)

Computer Instructions Representations App (Android & iOS)

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