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Computer Architecture Practice Test 65

I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 65

The I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-65 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Solve Quantitative Design and Analysis MCQ with answers PDF, I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online schools for computer science. The I/O Performance, Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Quiz App Download: Free learning app for i/o performance, reliability measures and benchmarks, quantitative principles of computer design, advanced techniques and speculation, gpu computing, computer types test prep for applied computer science.

The Quiz: Programs which tend to reuse data as well as for instructions they have used just before is known as; "I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks" App Download (Free) with answers: Temporal locality; Principle of locality; Spatial locality; Scalability; for best online schools for computer science. Learn Quantitative Design and Analysis Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science degree programs.

I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 65

MCQ 321:

Programs which tend to reuse data as well as for instructions they have used just before is known as

  1. principle of locality
  2. temporal locality
  3. spatial locality
  4. scalability
MCQ 322:

Two processors running one is user process, other is the operating system process, the latter is called

  1. kernel process
  2. supervisor process
  3. system process
  4. both a and b
MCQ 323:

The time for the user to enter the command is referred to as

  1. system response time
  2. entry time
  3. delay
  4. latency
MCQ 324:

Being able for expanding memory, no of processors and the disks is called

  1. durability
  2. scalability
  3. synthetic
  4. production
MCQ 325:

A branch-prediction cache which is used to store the predicted address for the upcoming instruction after the branch is called a

  1. branch-target buffer
  2. stations buffer
  3. write buffer
  4. read buffer

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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I/O Performance Reliability Measures and Benchmarks App (Android & iOS)

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