Engineering Programs Courses

Chapter 10: Textile Technology Exam Tests

Textile Technology MCQs - Chapter 10

Scouring of Greasy Wool Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Scouring of Greasy Wool Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Scouring of Greasy Wool MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-1 to study Textile Technology Course. Practice Scouring Line Composition MCQs, Scouring of Greasy Wool trivia questions and answers PDF for online bachelor degree programs. The Scouring of Greasy Wool MCQs App Download: Free learning app for drying process, oiling, scouring, scouring process career test to learn certification courses online.

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Scouring of Greasy Wool MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Machine used for fleeces that have already been opened is

  1. bale plucker
  2. plucker
  3. automatic feeder
  4. opener
MCQ 2:

The rollers in opening stage are also equipped with

  1. blades
  2. doffer blades
  3. knives
  4. pins
MCQ 3:

Thickness of fiber for the emulsion spray is measured by

  1. fiber measuring tool
  2. tracer
  3. controller
  4. fiber unit
MCQ 4:

At the end of the scouring vat there is squeezing press whose lower cylinder is made up of

  1. chromium plating
  2. rubber
  3. nylon
  4. rubber and nylon
MCQ 5:

The fourth and fifth vats in scouring process is uses for

  1. rinsing the clean wool
  2. scouring the wool
  3. eliminating earth particles
  4. all of above

Scouring of Greasy Wool Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Scouring of Greasy Wool App (Android & iOS)

Scouring of Greasy Wool App (Android & iOS)

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