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Drying Process MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Drying Process Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Drying Process MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Textile Technology Tests. Learn Scouring of Greasy Wool Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Drying Process quiz answers PDF to study online tutor courses. The Drying Process MCQ App Download: Free learning app for scouring, oiling, drying process, scouring line composition test prep for accelerated online degrees.

The MCQ: The width of conveyor belt in belt dryer is; "Drying Process" App Download (Free) with answers: 1,200, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm; 1,300, 1,800, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm; 1,300, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,200 mm; 1,300, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm; to study online tutor courses. Practice Drying Process Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online bachelor degree programs.

Drying Process MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The rollers in opening stage are also equipped with

  1. blades
  2. doffer blades
  3. knives
  4. pins
MCQ 2:

The width of conveyor belt in belt dryer is

  1. 1,200, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm
  2. 1,300, 1,800, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm
  3. 1,300, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,200 mm
  4. 1,300, 1,600, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 mm
MCQ 3:

The rollers in opening stage are covered with large size cone spikes with

  1. sharp tips
  2. rounded off tips
  3. pointed tips
  4. edged tips
MCQ 4:

In belt type dryer, the water evaporates by circulation of hot air through

  1. suction fan
  2. compression
  3. suction and compression
  4. suction fan and compression
MCQ 5:

Number of rollers in opener beater in final opening stage depends on the

  1. moisture
  2. heat
  3. quantity of impurity
  4. chemical used

Textile Technology Practice Tests

Drying Process Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Drying Process App (Android & iOS)

Drying Process App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (Android & iOS)

Textile Technology App (iOS & Android)

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ARM Processors App (Android & iOS)

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