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Twisted Fancy Yarns Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 9

The Twisted Fancy Yarns Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Twisted Fancy Yarns Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-9 to prepare Textile Technology Practice Tests. Solve Fancy Yarns MCQ with answers PDF, Twisted Fancy Yarns Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for accredited distance learning universities. The Twisted Fancy Yarns Quiz App Download: Free learning app for scouring, doubling and drawing, sliver blending, preparation for spinning, twisted fancy yarns test prep for best online colleges.

The Quiz: In twisted fancy yarn, another function that can replace effect yarn is; "Twisted Fancy Yarns" App Download (Free) with answers: Dyeing; Spinning; Twisting; Roving; for accredited distance learning universities. Learn Fancy Yarns Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online tutor courses.

Twisted Fancy Yarns Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 9

MCQ 41:

In twisted fancy yarn, another function that can replace effect yarn is

  1. spinning
  2. dyeing
  3. twisting
  4. roving
MCQ 42:

As compared to feed speed, the peripheral speed of the teeth is

  1. high
  2. same
  3. low
  4. variable
MCQ 43:

One oiling point is near the

  1. feed of 2 defelting heads
  2. center of defelting heads
  3. defelting heads
  4. feed
MCQ 44:

Variations in sliver mass in drawframe are detected by

  1. measurement device
  2. variation device
  3. correction scale
  4. measurement scale
MCQ 45:

At the end of the scouring vat there is squeezing press whose lower cylinder is made up of

  1. chromium plating
  2. rubber
  3. nylon
  4. rubber and nylon

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