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Textile Technology Practice Test 15

Card Operation Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 15

The Card Operation Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Card Operation Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-15 to solve Textile Technology Practice Tests. Learn Tandem Card MCQ Questions PDF, Card Operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online educational courses. The Card Operation Trivia App Download: Free learning app for spinning geometry, preparation for spinning, carding unit, sliver blending, card operation test prep for accelerated bachelors degree online.

The Quiz: The speed of third roller in feeder roller as compared to second one is; "Card Operation" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Two third; One third; Quarter; Half; for accelerated bachelors degree online. Study Tandem Card Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online colleges.

Card Operation Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 15

MCQ 71:

The speed of third roller in feeder roller as compared to second one is

  1. one third
  2. two third
  3. quarter
  4. half
MCQ 72:

The reducing head in two defelting heads features a drawing range that is controlled by

  1. rotating devices
  2. intersecting devices
  3. rotating and intersecting disks
  4. rotating and curling disks
MCQ 73:

Due to the interaction of needles of worker cylinder and drum, the tufts on the needles of worker cylinder are subjected to the action of

  1. worker cylinder needles
  2. drum needles
  3. stripper roller needles
  4. all of above
MCQ 74:

The control system best for the process is selected on the basis of

  1. quantity of fibers to be processed
  2. quality of fibers to be processed
  3. weight of fibers to be processed
  4. length of fibers to be processed
MCQ 75:

The different inclination angles determines the

  1. spinning geometry
  2. spinning length
  3. spinning smoothness
  4. spinning torque

Textile Technology Exam Prep Tests

Card Operation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Card Operation App (Android & iOS)

Card Operation App (Android & iOS)

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