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MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Online Tests

Structural Devices MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Structural Devices Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Structural Devices MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Organizational Structure & Design Tests. Learn Organizational Structure Design Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Structural Devices quiz answers PDF for online project management certification. The Structural Devices MCQ App Download: Free learning app for introduction to organizational structure, structural designs and arrangement, size and structure test prep for accelerated online degrees.

The MCQ: In an organization, for solving an issue shared by various departments, a task force is created, which is; "Structural Devices" App Download (Free) with answers: Restored after accomplishment; Continue after accomplishment; Integrated full time; Disbanded after accomplishment; for online project management certification. Practice Structural Devices Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for colleges and universities exams.

Structural Devices MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

A team made up of organizationally or geographically dispersed members linked together is known to be

  1. Constructed team
  2. Virtual team
  3. Horizontal percept team
  4. Vertical percept team
MCQ 2:

In an organization, for solving an issue shared by various departments, a task force is created, which is

  1. Restored after accomplishment
  2. Continue after accomplishment
  3. Integrated full time
  4. Disbanded after accomplishment
MCQ 3:

To maintain direct contacts among departments, there's a need of some

  1. Manager integrator
  2. Team leader role
  3. Special liaison role
  4. Task force
MCQ 4:

The structural device in which the problem can be referred to next upper level and answer is passed back, is known as

  1. Information perception
  2. Hierarchical Referral
  3. Induction Referral
  4. Planned perception
MCQ 5:

Horizontal information is shared horizontally among

  1. Units
  2. Unions
  3. Divisions
  4. Departments

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Tests

Structural Devices Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Structural Devices App (Android & iOS)

Structural Devices App (Android & iOS)

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