MBA Management Degree Courses

Chapter 5: MBA Organizational Structure & Design Exam Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design MCQs - Chapter 5

Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-1 to study MBA Organizational Structure & Design Course. Practice Organizational Knowledge MCQs, Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control trivia questions and answers PDF for online college classes. The Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control MCQs App Download: Free learning app for career test for online masters in management.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): The communication type encouraged at the craft technology level is said to be of; "Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control" App Download (Free) with answers: Group meetings; Occasional face to face meetings; Frequent face to face meetings; for online college classes. Solve Organizational Relationships Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges that offer certificate programs.

Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The communication type encouraged at the craft technology level is said to be of

  1. Occasional face to face meetings
  2. Group meetings
  3. Frequent face to face meetings
  4. Both A and B
MCQ 2:

The experience shared by an individual outputs in the

  1. Codified knowledge
  2. Shared knowledge
  3. Tacit knowledge
  4. Systematic knowledge
MCQ 3:

Explicit data is provided to address well-defined questions, by having

  1. Informal information system
  2. Formal information system
  3. Direct Contact
  4. Group meetings
MCQ 4:

Written and technical materials and frequent use of statistical reports are encouraged are

  1. Non-routine technology
  2. Craft technology
  3. Rule governed technology
  4. Routine technology
MCQ 5:

The area following extensive written reports, rules and procedures is said to be

  1. Craft technology
  2. Non-routine technology
  3. Routine technology
  4. Rule governed technology

Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control App (Android & iOS)

Information, Knowledge and Organizational Control App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (iOS & Android)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

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Human Resource Management (MBA) App (iOS & Android)