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IGCSE O Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 180

Voluntary and Reflex Actions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 180

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Voluntary & Reflex Actions MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 180

MCQ 896:

Involuntary actions do not involve

  1. heartbeat
  2. exhalation
  3. inhalation
  4. passing urine
MCQ 897:

Peptone means the bond between

  1. 2 or more amino acids
  2. 3 or more amino acids
  3. 4 or more amino acids
  4. 5 or more amino acids
MCQ 898:

Examples of plumed fruits include

  1. clematis
  2. tridex
  3. mango
  4. banana
MCQ 899:

Extreme changes in acidity or alkalinity of solutions

  1. produce more hydrogen per oxide
  2. needed more enzymes
  3. cause enzymes to become denatured
  4. cause foods get digested earlier
MCQ 900:

Lipids are a form of

  1. carbohydrates
  2. proteins
  3. fats
  4. minerals

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

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