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Brand Marketing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 3 PDF Download

Brand Marketing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), brand marketing quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 3 for online MBA degree programs.

"The visual trade name that recognized the brand is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on brand marketing with choices customer, logo, sounds, and slogan to learn executive MBA courses. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning logo quiz questions for online schools for business administration.

MCQs on Brand Marketing Quiz 3 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: visual trade name that recognized brand is

  1. logo
  2. customer
  3. sounds
  4. slogan


MCQ: Recognize additional cash flow in a branded firm when evaluated to an unbranded, and equivalent, firm is a technique of

  1. income split method
  2. multi-period excess earnings method
  3. a & b
  4. incremental cash flow method


MCQ: In estimates messages for publicity, telling how good is best than challenging brands aspires at creating ad is

  1. meaningful
  2. distinctive
  3. believable
  4. remembered


MCQ: observation of consumers that several brands are equal to

  1. brand extension
  2. brand parity
  3. symbols
  4. brand trust


MCQ: identification and observation of a brand is extremely influenced by its

  1. marketing
  2. loyalty
  3. visual presentation
  4. a & b