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Musharika Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download 55

Learn musharika quiz questions to learn MBA for online business management degree, MBA test prep 55 for distance education courses with islamic banking test and MCQs. College and universitiy courses MCQs, , strategic human resource management, perfect competition, currency swap, risk sharing, musharika test prep for top rated online MBA programs.

"Musharika permits every party involved in a trade to distribute in the profits and", musharika Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices premium, interest, loss, and gharar to study online schools courses. For admission and scholarhsips' exams, learn islamic banking multiple choice questions to practice MCQ based quiz question and answers.

Quiz on Musharika PDF Download eBook 55

Musharika Quiz

Musharika permits every party involved in a trade to distribute in profits and

  1. interest
  2. premium
  3. loss
  4. gharar


Risk Sharing Quiz

prevention of a risk free return and authorization of trading, as enshrined in Verse

  1. 2:278 of Holy Quran
  2. 2:276 of Holy Quran
  3. 2:275 of Holy Quran
  4. 2:273 of Holy Quran


Currency Swap Quiz

A simultaneous purchase and sale of foreign exchange for two different dates

  1. currency devalue
  2. currency swap
  3. currency valuation
  4. currency exchange


Perfect Competition Quiz

A firm in a entirely competitive industry has

  1. a perfectly elastic supply curve.
  2. a perfectly elastic demand curve.
  3. a negatively sloped demand curve
  4. a positively sloped demand curve


Strategic Human Resource Management Quiz

termination of employment by an owner beside will of worker is

  1. dismissal
  2. screening
  3. firing
  4. a & c