Engineering Programs Courses

Chapter 30: Engineering Physics Exam Tests

Engineering Physics MCQs - Chapter 30

Simple Harmonic Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Simple Harmonic Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Simple Harmonic Motion MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 30-1 to study Engineering Physics Course. Practice Harmonic Motion MCQs, Simple Harmonic Motion trivia questions and answers PDF to apply to colleges online. The Simple Harmonic Motion MCQs App Download: Free learning app for pendulums career test for online graduate programs.

The MCQ: In Simple harmonic motions, acceleration is proportional to; "Simple Harmonic Motion" App Download (Free) with answers: Time; Displacement; Altitude; Unit vector; to apply to colleges online. Solve International System of Units Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges enrolling.

Simple Harmonic Motion MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

In Simple harmonic motions, acceleration is proportional to

  1. displacement
  2. time
  3. altitude
  4. unit vector
MCQ 2:

Number of oscillations that are completed in each second is

  1. velocity
  2. acceleration
  3. frequency
  4. period
MCQ 3:

Measure of the change undergone by amplitude and phase of the wave as it propagates in a given direction is called

  1. phase constant
  2. altitude constant
  3. amplitude constant
  4. transnational constant
MCQ 4:

An idealized mathematical model of a pendulum is

  1. Gravity pendulum
  2. Tension pendulum
  3. Torison pendulum
  4. Spring pendulum
MCQ 5:

If L is the length of pendulum and g is acceleration of gravity, then time period of gravity pendulum is equals to

  1. 2π(L/g)1/2
  2. 2π(L/g)1/3
  3. π(L/g)1/3
  4. π(L/g)1/2

Simple Harmonic Motion Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Simple Harmonic Motion App (Android & iOS)

Simple Harmonic Motion App (Android & iOS)

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