BBA Management Degree Courses

BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 46

Marketing Channels and Value Networks MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 46

The Marketing Channels and Value Networks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Marketing Channels and Value Networks MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-46 to solve BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Study Integrated Marketing Channels quiz answers PDF, Marketing Channels and Value Networks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for master of science in marketing. The Marketing Channels and Value Networks MCQs App Download: Free educational app for marketing channels and value networks, developing brand positioning, promotional pricing, geographical pricing, product hierarchy test prep for online schools for business management degrees.

The MCQs: In marketing channels, the intermediaries whose function is to buy, label and resell the goods are classified as; "Marketing Channels & Value Networks" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Terminators; Facilitators; Merchants; Agents; for master of science in marketing. Practice Integrated Marketing Channels Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business administration and management degree.

Marketing Channels & Value Networks MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 46

MCQ 226:

In marketing channels, the intermediaries whose function is to buy, label and resell the goods are classified as

  1. facilitators
  2. terminators
  3. merchants
  4. agents
MCQ 227:

The compelling images which appeal the customer's psychological needs is considered as

  1. employee differentiation
  2. process differentiation
  3. image differentiation
  4. working differentiation
MCQ 228:

The promotional pricing technique adopted by retailers and lowering selling prices of well-known brands is classified as

  1. loss leader pricing
  2. cash rebates
  3. special customer pricing
  4. special event pricing
MCQ 229:

The form of countertrade in which seller receives some money and some goods for due payments is classified as

  1. offset
  2. buy back arrangement
  3. barter
  4. compensation deal
MCQ 230:

In the product hierarchy, the product classes that help in satisfying core needs are considered as

  1. product line
  2. product class
  3. need family
  4. product family

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

Marketing Channels & Value Networks Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Marketing Channels & Value Networks App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Channels & Value Networks App (Android & iOS)

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