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IGCSE A Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Test 26

Ultrafiltration and Proximal Convoluted tubule MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 26

The Ultrafiltration and Proximal Convoluted tubule Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Ultrafiltration and Proximal Convoluted tubule MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-26 to solve IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Regulation and Control quiz answers PDF, Ultrafiltration and Proximal Convoluted tubule Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online IGCSE GCE courses. The Ultrafiltration and Proximal Convoluted tubule MCQs App Download: Free educational app for ultrafiltration and proximal convoluted tubule, enzymes, auxin, gibberellins and abscisic acid, plant growth regulators and hormones, cardiovascular system, arteries and veins test prep for colleges that offer certificate programs.

The MCQ Quiz: The reabsorbed substances in the proximal convoluted tubule do not include; "Ultrafiltration & Proximal Convoluted tubule" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Urea; Sodium ions; Amino acids; Creatinine; to study online IGCSE GCE courses. Practice Regulation and Control Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online colleges that offer certificate programs.

Ultrafiltration & Proximal Convoluted tubule MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 26

MCQ 126:

The reabsorbed substances in the proximal convoluted tubule do not include

  1. sodium ions
  2. urea
  3. amino acids
  4. creatinine
MCQ 127:

The enzymes which are helpful in cellular respiration is found in

  1. Golgi complex
  2. chloroplast
  3. mitochondria
  4. RNA
MCQ 128:

Which statement is correct about Lateral buds?

  1. produced in the presence of auxin
  2. inhibited to develop due to abscisic acid
  3. produced in the presence of gibberellins
  4. inhibited in the presence of auxin
MCQ 129:

The regulators of plants growth are produced in

  1. glands
  2. receptors
  3. effectors
  4. phytohormones
MCQ 130:

The blood pressure in the aorta of human is approximately

  1. 120 mm Hg
  2. 130 mm Hg
  3. 167 mm Hg
  4. 140 mm Hg

IGCSE A Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Ultrafiltration & Proximal Convoluted tubule Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Ultrafiltration & Proximal Convoluted tubule App (Android & iOS)

Ultrafiltration & Proximal Convoluted tubule App (Android & iOS)

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