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College Biology Practice Test 28

Animals Reproduction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 28

The Animals Reproduction MCQ with Answers PDF (Animals Reproduction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-28 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Study Reproduction Test PDF, Animals Reproduction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college for teaching degree. The Animals Reproduction MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for animals reproduction, classification of fungi, excretion in vertebrates, coordination in animals, nematodes test prep to learn distance learning courses.

The MCQ: The twins which are produced asexually are; "Animals Reproduction" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Non-identical twins; Dizygotic twins; Identical twins; Diembryonic twins; for online college for teaching degree. Practice Reproduction Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for two year degree programs.

Animals Reproduction MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 28

MCQ 136:

The twins which are produced asexually are

  1. dizygotic twins
  2. non-identical twins
  3. identical twins
  4. diembryonic twins
MCQ 137:

The nuclear fusion in basidium Is done by the process of

  1. budding
  2. meiosis
  3. mitosis
  4. grafting
MCQ 138:

The arginine is split to form urea by the enzyme activity of

  1. arginase
  2. ornithine
  3. carboxylate
  4. sulfuricate
MCQ 139:

Distention of cervix stimulates the release of

  1. testosterone
  2. oestrogen
  3. oxytocin
  4. thyroxine
MCQ 140:

There are four bands of muscles in Nematodes, two are dorsolateral and two

  1. ventro-lateral
  2. dorso-ventral
  3. dorso-lateral
  4. later-ventral

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Animals Reproduction Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Animals Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

Animals Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

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