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IGCSE O Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 130

Habitat specialization due to salinity MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 130

The Habitat specialization due to salinity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Habitat specialization due to salinity MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-130 to solve IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Ecology O level Biology quiz answers PDF, Habitat specialization due to salinity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study e-learning courses. The Habitat specialization due to salinity MCQs App Download: Free educational app for habitat specialization due to salinity, biology basics, factors affecting enzymes, fertilization and post fertilization changes, artificial methods of vegetative reproduction test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQs: Problem of water loss from the cells and salt gain is faced by; "Habitat specialization due to salinity" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Marine bony fish; Freshwater bony fish; Marine boneless fish; Fresh water boneless fish; to study e-learning courses. Practice Ecology O level Biology Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for free online classes.

Habitat specialization due to salinity MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 130

MCQ 646:

Problem of water loss from the cells and salt gain is faced by

  1. freshwater bony fish
  2. marine bony fish
  3. marine boneless fish
  4. fresh water boneless fish
MCQ 647:

Biology attempts to answer the questions like;

  1. How can the organisms be classified on the basis of similarities only?
  2. How can the organisms be classified on the basis of differences only?
  3. How can organisms be classified on the basis of trophic levels?
  4. How can the organisms be classified on the basis of similarities and differences?
MCQ 648:

Beyond optimum temperature, the enzyme becomes

  1. flat only
  2. hyperactive only
  3. flat and hyperactive
  4. denatured
MCQ 649:

In order to grow the pollen tube inside gynoecium,

  1. style is dissolved
  2. stigma is dissolved
  3. enzymes are secreted to dissolve stigma and style
  4. all three options are correct
MCQ 650:

Marcotting is suitable for

  1. sugar-cane
  2. oleander
  3. tapioca
  4. rambutan

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Habitat specialization due to salinity Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Habitat specialization due to salinity App (Android & iOS)

Habitat specialization due to salinity App (Android & iOS)

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