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Bai Salam Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download 19

Learn bai salam quiz questions to learn MBA for online business management degree, MBA test prep 19 for distance education courses with islamic banking test and MCQs. College and universitiy courses MCQs, , examples of competition, law of supply, portfolio investment, gharar, bai salam test prep for executive MBA programs.

"An agreement in which advance fee is made for commodities to be delivered afterwards on is", bai salam Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices bai salam, murabaha, ijarah, and b& c to learn certification courses online. For admission and scholarhsips' exams, learn islamic banking multiple choice questions to practice MCQ based quiz question and answers.

Quiz on Bai Salam PDF Download eBook 19

Bai Salam Quiz

An agreement in which advance fee is made for commodities to be delivered afterwards on is

  1. murabaha
  2. bai salam
  3. ijarah
  4. b& c


Gharar Quiz

Whose outcomes are concealed is gharar describes by

  1. hanafi school
  2. hanbali school
  3. zahiri school
  4. shafi school


Portfolio Investment Quiz

Portfolio Investment is dealing in

  1. Same securities
  2. Short term investment
  3. Different securities
  4. Don


Law of Supply Quiz

Basic rule of economic theory which declares that, all else equal, an augment in price results in a boost in quantity supplied is

  1. law of demand
  2. law of marginal utility
  3. law of supply
  4. none of all of these


Examples of Competition Quiz

Each of following are means monopolistically competitive companies distinguish their commodities EXCEPT

  1. selling with slightly different physical characteristics.
  2. offering different levels of service that come with a product.
  3. creating a special aura or image for product with advertising.
  4. none of above are exceptions they are all ways of differentiating products.