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Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests

Computer Fundamentals Online Tests

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram MCQ PDF Download) free to learn computer fundamentals online courses. Study Using Computers to Solve Problems Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram quiz answers PDF for online computer science classes. The Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram MCQ App Download: Free learning app for steps in systems analysis and design, program design and implementation, representing algorithms flowcharts and structure diagram, program documentation test prep for computer information science.

The MCQ: In flow chart, diamond shaped symbol is used to represent; "Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram" App Download (Free) with answers decision box, statement box, error box and if-statement box for online computer science classes. Practice representing algorithms flowcharts and structure diagram quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: In flow chart, diamond shaped symbol is used to represent

  1. decision box
  2. statement box
  3. error box
  4. if-statement box

MCQ 2: The repetition of statement in the Jackson method is represented by

  1. drawing sign of equal
  2. drawing sign of subtraction
  3. drawing an asterisk
  4. drawing an arrow

MCQ 3: Symbol used in flowchart such as rectangle with the horizontal lines on two sides is used for

  1. defined statement
  2. predefined process
  3. error fix
  4. variables defined

MCQ 4: Program link with other parts of the program or connectors in flowchart are represented by

  1. rhombus
  2. parallelogram
  3. circle
  4. trapezoid

MCQ 5: Part of algorithm which is repeated for the fixed number of times is classified as

  1. iteration
  2. selection
  3. sequence
  4. reverse action

Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram App (Android & iOS)

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

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