Computer Science Degree Courses
Chapter 7: Computer Fundamentals Exam Tests
Computer Fundamentals MCQs - Chapter 7
The File Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (File Systems MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-1 to study Computer Fundamentals Course. Practice Searching, Merging and Sorting MCQs, File Systems trivia questions and answers PDF for master's degree in computer science. The File Systems MCQs App Download: Free learning app for file system and file usage, computer organization and access career test to learn software engineering courses.
The MCQ: Destruction of files for malicious reasons such as access by fraudulent people is classified as being; "File Systems" App Download (Free) with answers: Accessed; Modified; Destroyed; Unauthorized access; for master's degree in computer science. Solve Peripheral Devices Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for BSc computer science.
Destruction of files for malicious reasons such as access by fraudulent people is classified as being
In the files, if order of operation on two or more files are similar, then operation will be
Search in which record is checked and read for the desired items in file linearly is classified as
Field which is used to identify specific record and can't be duplicated is classified as
Access in which records are accessed from and inserted into file, is classified as
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