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Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests
Computer Fundamentals Online Tests
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The MCQ: In the repeat-until loop 'UNTIL Option>0 and Option<8 AND INT(Option) = Option', the INT function is classified as; "Control Statement in Computers" App Download (Free) with answers: Option; Function; Format option; Format function; for online master programs. Practice Control Statement in Computers Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer science programs.
Loop statement which is repeated for some given number of times is classified as
In the repeat-until loop 'UNTIL Option>0 and Option<8 AND INT(Option) = Option', the INT function is classified as
Loop which tests the Boolean expression after the loop rather than before is termed as
Loop statement in a program which is used to continue repetition until some condition is met is classified as
Function which is placed between FOR statements and other repeated statements is classified as
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