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Basic Cache Optimization Methods MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 22

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Basic Cache Optimization Methods MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 22

MCQ 106:

Unit of time to execute one convey is

  1. chime
  2. branch
  3. GPU
  4. buffer
MCQ 107:

The RAID continues to service workload requests while performing the reconstruction, is a

  1. online reconstruction
  2. offline reconstruction
  3. online deconstruction
  4. offline deconstruction
MCQ 108:

Which one of the following is used to increase the width of the cache address tag?

  1. process-identity tag
  2. process-identifier term
  3. process-identifier tag
  4. process-identify tag
MCQ 109:

A 1000 MB data transfer between the disks within the server, takes the time of

  1. 2 seconds
  2. 5 seconds
  3. 8 seconds
  4. 10 seconds
MCQ 110:

The RAID devotes all of its resources for performing reconstruction, is a

  1. online reconstruction
  2. offline reconstruction
  3. offline deconstruction
  4. online deconstruction

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Basic Cache Optimization Methods Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Basic Cache Optimization Methods App (Android & iOS)

Basic Cache Optimization Methods App (Android & iOS)

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