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Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 113

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 113

The Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-113 to prepare Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests. Solve Using Computers to Solve Problems MCQ with answers PDF, Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for computer software engineer. The Representing Algorithms Flowcharts and Structure Diagram Quiz App Download: Free learning app for representing algorithms flowcharts and structure diagram, subroutines, procedures and functions, real time processing, printers for computer printing, backup storage in computers test prep for cheapest online computer science degree.

The Quiz: Symbol which is drawn for repetition in top right of the particular step is classified as; "Representing Algorithms Flowcharts & Structure Diagram" App Download (Free) with answers: Addition; Division; Subtraction; Multiplication; for computer software engineer. Learn Using Computers to Solve Problems Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online training courses.

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts & Structure Diagram Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 113

MCQ 561:

Symbol which is drawn for repetition in top right of the particular step is classified as

  1. division
  2. addition
  3. subtraction
  4. multiplication
MCQ 562:

General term use for self-contained small set of instructions is referred as

  1. procedure
  2. function
  3. routine
  4. subroutine
MCQ 563:

Consideration of storage, input and output devices are considered as requirement of

  1. hardware requirement
  2. communication requirement
  3. software requirement
  4. process requirement
MCQ 564:

Printer in which printing head and paper is forced together to form the letters is called

  1. impact printer
  2. non impact printer
  3. page printers
  4. line printers
MCQ 565:

Discs that stores data more effectively against dirt and on given area of disc are known as

  1. exchangeable discs
  2. non exchangeable discs
  3. timed discs
  4. bubble discs

Computer Fundamentals Exam Prep Tests

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts & Structure Diagram Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Representing Algorithms Flowcharts & Structure Diagram App (Android & iOS)

Representing Algorithms Flowcharts & Structure Diagram App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Basics App (iOS & Android)