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General Knowledge Practice Test 248

Electricity Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 248

The Electricity Invention MCQ with Answers PDF (Electricity Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-248 to learn general knowledge online courses. Solve Technology Inventions Test PDF, Electricity Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online high school college acceptance. The Electricity Invention MCQ App Download: Free certification app for adhesive bandage, mars facts, cathode ray tube, earths crust, electricity invention test prep for BBA program entrance exam.

The MCQ Quiz: Michael Faraday invented electric motor in; "Electricity Invention" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: 1851; 1891; 1841; 1821; for online high school college acceptance. Study technology inventions questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for college entrance examination.

Electricity Invention MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 248

MCQ 1236:

Michael Faraday invented electric motor in

  1. 1891
  2. 1851
  3. 1841
  4. 1821
MCQ 1237:

Thickness of the crust of the Earth is

  1. 0-500 km
  2. 0-400 km
  3. 0-60 km
  4. 0-250 km
MCQ 1238:

Earliest version of Cathode Ray Tube was invented in

  1. 1859
  2. 1839
  3. 1844
  4. 1897
MCQ 1239:

The equatorial diameter of planet next to Earth is

  1. 8805
  2. 5,805 km
  3. 6,805 km
  4. 7,805 km
MCQ 1240:

Adhesive bandage which is popularly known as Band Aid was invented by

  1. William
  2. George Fritts
  3. Malcolm Loughead
  4. Earle Dickson

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

Electricity Invention Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Electricity Invention App (Android & iOS)

Electricity Invention App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

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