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General Knowledge Practice Test 258

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 258

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The MCQs: Principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly which deals with the trade, development and investment issues is; "United Nations Conference on Trade and Development" App (Android, iOS) with answers: European Union; UNCTAD; IBRD; ICSID; for MBA program entrance exam. Practice international organizations questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online high school and college acceptance.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 258

MCQ 1286:

Principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly which deals with the trade, development and investment issues is

  2. European Union
  3. IBRD
  4. ICSID
MCQ 1287:

Autumnal equinox occurs in month of September marks start of

  1. spring
  2. summer
  3. winter
  4. autumn
MCQ 1288:

Lowest part of the mantle is known as

  1. A-layer
  2. B-layer
  3. M-layer
  4. D-layer
MCQ 1289:

First automobile powered by an internal combustion engine that is fueled by hydrogen is invented in

  1. 1807
  2. 1817
  3. 1827
  4. 1837
MCQ 1290:

Bones are connected to each other with help of

  1. tendons
  2. cartilage
  3. joints
  4. ligaments

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development App (Android & iOS)

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