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Engineering Physics Practice Test 43

Changing Units Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 43

The Changing Units Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Changing Units Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 26-43 to solve Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn Physics And Measurement MCQ Questions PDF, Changing Units Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study distance learning courses. The Changing Units Trivia App Download: Free learning app for path independence of conservative forces, kepler law of periods for solar system, boltzman constant, gravitation near earth surface, changing units test prep for online associate degree in engineering.

The Quiz: Hertz is equal to; "Changing Units" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 1/second; Second; Joule/second; Meter/second; for online associate degree in engineering. Study Physics And Measurement Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online high school college acceptance.

Changing Units Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 43

MCQ 211:

Hertz is equal to

  1. second
  2. 1/second
  3. Joule/second
  4. meter/second
MCQ 212:

If M is earth's mass and m is mass of particle on earth, r is the distance between them and G is gravitational constant then gravitational potential energy is equals to

  1. Gm/Mr
  2. GmM/r
  3. GMr
  4. GMm/r3
MCQ 213:

Boltzmann constant is generally denoted by

  1. k
  2. c
  3. e
  4. R
MCQ 214:

Ratio T2/a3 for Uranus is equals to

  1. 3.01x10-34 y2/m3
  2. 5.01x10-34 y2/m3
  3. 2.96x10-34 y2/m3
  4. 2.98x10-34 y2/m3
MCQ 215:

Net work done by a conservative force on a particle moving around any closed path is

  1. one
  2. zero
  3. infinite
  4. 2 J

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Changing Units Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Changing Units App (Android & iOS)

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