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Heat of Transformation Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 279

The Heat of Transformation Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Heat of Transformation Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-279 to solve Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn First Law of Thermodynamics MCQ Questions PDF, Heat of Transformation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online certification courses. The Heat of Transformation Trivia App Download: Free learning app for mass, gravitation near earth surface, current density, escape speed, heat of transformation test prep for online engineering associate's degree.

The Trivia MCQ: When phase change is from liquid to gas or from gas to liquid, the heat transformation is called; "Heat of Transformation" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Heat of vaporization; Heat of fusion; Electrons vaporization; Nonlinear thermal expansion; for online engineering associate's degree. Study First Law of Thermodynamics Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online engineering graduate schools.

Heat of Transformation Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 279

MCQ 1391:

When phase change is from liquid to gas or from gas to liquid, the heat transformation is called

  1. heat of fusion
  2. heat of vaporization
  3. electrons vaporization
  4. nonlinear thermal expansion
MCQ 1392:

Escape speed of Neutron star is equals to

  1. 5200 Km/s2
  2. 2x105 Km/s2
  3. 12 Km/s2
  4. 15 Km/s2
MCQ 1393:

Average velocity that a charge particle attains in a material due to an electric field is

  1. potential energy
  2. drift velocity
  3. electric capacitance
  4. current density
MCQ 1394:

If M is earth's mass and m is mass of particle on earth, r is the distance between them and G is gravitational constant then by Newton's law of gravitation, F=

  1. Gm/Mr
  2. GmM/r
  3. GMm/r2
  4. GMm/r3
MCQ 1395:

Second mass standard is

  1. Pplatinium iridium cylinder
  2. Carbon 12 standard
  3. Silicon dioxide standard
  4. Platinium cylinder

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Heat of Transformation Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Heat of Transformation App (Android & iOS)

Heat of Transformation App (Android & iOS)

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Integrated Circuits App (Android & iOS)

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