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Substance Specific Heat in Calories Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 255

The Substance Specific Heat in Calories Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Substance Specific Heat in Calories Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-255 to solve Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn First Law of Thermodynamics MCQ Questions PDF, Substance Specific Heat in Calories Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online engineering courses. The Substance Specific Heat in Calories Trivia App Download: Free learning app for torque on current carrying coil, gallium, conservation of mechanical energy, gravitation near earth surface, substance specific heat in calories test prep for engineering graduate schools.

The Quiz: Specific heat of ice in calories at -10°C is; "Substance Specific Heat in Calories" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 0.030 cal/g.K; 0.530 cal/g.K; 0.58 cal/g.K; 1.0 cal/g.K; for engineering graduate schools. Study First Law of Thermodynamics Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for associate degrees in engineering.

Substance Specific Heat in Calories Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 255

MCQ 1271:

Specific heat of ice in calories at -10°C is

  1. 0.530 cal/g.K
  2. 0.030 cal/g.K
  3. 0.58 cal/g.K
  4. 1.0 cal/g.K
MCQ 1272:

Space shuttle orbit has gravitational acceleration of

  1. 19.71 m/s2
  2. 0.225 m/s2
  3. 8.70 m/s2
  4. 9.80 m/s2
MCQ 1273:

Law which states that total energy of a system can change only by amount of energy that is transferred to or from the system is called

  1. law of conservation of energy
  2. Newton's law of motion
  3. Ohm's law of electricity
  4. law of system retardation
MCQ 1274:

Boiling point of Gallium is

  1. 2830°C
  2. 1064.43°C
  3. 29.75°C
  4. 2237°C
MCQ 1275:

A coil of area A and N turns, carrying current i in a uniform magnetic field and µ magnetic dipole moment will experience a torque T equals to

  1. T=µxB
  2. Txµ=B
  3. T=B/µ
  4. T=B/2µ

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Substance Specific Heat in Calories Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Substance Specific Heat in Calories App (Android & iOS)

Substance Specific Heat in Calories App (Android & iOS)

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