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Digital Electronics Practice Test 72

Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 72

The Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ with Answers PDF (Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-72 to prepare Digital Electronics Practice Tests. Learn Pseudo NMOS Logic Circuits Test PDF, Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free career quiz. The Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ App Download: Free certification app for basic cmos gate structure, characteristics of standard ttl, resistor transistor logic (rtl), logic gates using mesfets, pseudo nmos inverter test prep to learn distance learning courses.

The MCQ: When the NMOS is turned ON in pseudo-NMOS logic, there exist a direct path between; "Pseudo NMOS Inverter" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Input and output; Supply and output; Supply and input; Supply and ground; for free career quiz. Practice Pseudo NMOS Logic Circuits Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online engineering graduate colleges.

Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 72

MCQ 356:

When the NMOS is turned ON in pseudo-NMOS logic, there exist a direct path between

  1. supply and output
  2. input and output
  3. supply and input
  4. supply and ground
MCQ 357:

MESFET when achieve threshold negative voltage, need to

  1. OFF
  2. ON
  3. Stop
  4. no change
MCQ 358:

In NAND gate, two transistor are connected to each other in

  1. series
  2. parallel
  3. can be series or parallel
  4. not connected
MCQ 359:

For standard TTL (known as 74 series), low input level 'VIL' is

  1. 0.8 V
  2. 1V
  3. 1.8 V
  4. 2 V
MCQ 360:

In NMOS circuit, current flows from

  1. drain to source
  2. source to drain
  3. gate to drain
  4. drain to gate

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Pseudo NMOS Inverter Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pseudo NMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

Pseudo NMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

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