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Calculation of Electrons MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 74

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Calculation of Electrons MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 74

MCQ 366:

Nucleus of carbon consist of

  1. 4 neutrons
  2. 4 electrons
  3. 6 neutrons
  4. 6 electrons
MCQ 367:

Varactor diode is doped to maximize the inherent capacitance of

  1. n region
  2. p region
  3. depletion region
  4. barrier potential
MCQ 368:

Reverse voltage for ideal diode model is equals to

  1. VbiasR
  2. Vbias
  3. R
  4. Vbias-R
MCQ 369:

Materials in which electrons are tightly bound to the atoms and havevery free electrons are known as

  1. unbounded materials
  2. compound materials
  3. germanium materials
  4. silicon materials
MCQ 370:

Lower load line limit of BJT transistor is

  1. IC(saturation) and VCE(cutoff)
  2. IC(saturation) and VCE(saturation)
  3. IC=0 and VCE(cutoff)
  4. IC(saturation) and VCE=0

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

Calculation of Electrons Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Calculation of Electrons App (Android & iOS)

Calculation of Electrons App (Android & iOS)

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