Engineering Courses

Chapter 3: Digital Electronics Exam Tests

Digital Electronics MCQs - Chapter 3

Bipolar Junction Transistors Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Bipolar Junction Transistors Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Bipolar Junction Transistors MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online digital electronics Course. Practice Transistor Structure MCQs, Bipolar Junction Transistors trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Bipolar Junction Transistors MCQs App Download & e-Book for transistor as amplifier, transistor characteristics and parameters, transistors and switches, basic transistor operation career test for college entrance test.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Collector region of BJT is always; "Bipolar Junction Transistors" App Download (Free) with answers moderately doped, lightly doped, heavily doped and not doped to study online certification courses. Solve transistor structure quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online engineering associate's degree programs.

Bipolar Junction Transistors Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: Collector region of BJT is always

A) lightly doped
B) moderately doped
C) heavily doped
D) not doped

MCQ 2: Process of linearly increasing the amplitude of an electrical signal is called

A) switching
B) amplification
C) multiplexing
D) fabrication

MCQ 3: βDC=

A) αDC/1+αDC
B) 1-αDC/1+αDC
C) αDC/1-αDC
D) 1+αDC/1-αDC

MCQ 4: Switch is open when transistor is in

A) cutoff region
B) linear region
C) saturation region
D) breakdown region

MCQ 5: If collector current is 2mA and base current is 0.5mA than emitter current will be

A) 10mA
B) 2.5mA
C) 1.5mA
D) 4mA

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Bipolar Junction Transistors App (Android & iOS)

Bipolar Junction Transistors App (Android & iOS)

Digital Electronics App (Android & iOS)

Digital Electronics App (Android & iOS)

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