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Chapter 3: Digital Electronics Exam Tests

Digital Electronics MCQs - Chapter 3

Bipolar Junction Transistors Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 27

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Bipolar Junction Transistors Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 27

MCQ 131: The amount of amplification provided by an amplifier is measured by its

A) gain
B) output
C) resistance
D) capacitance

MCQ 132: A further increase in base current will doesn't increase collector current in

A) cutoff region
B) linear region
C) saturation region
D) breakdown region

MCQ 133: PNP transistor is 'on' when its base is pulled low relative to the

A) collector
B) emitter
C) base
D) drain

MCQ 134: For normal operation of a pnp transistor, base w.r.t collector must be

A) zero
B) infinite
C) positive
D) negative

MCQ 135: Base region of BJT is always

A) lightly doped
B) moderately doped
C) heavily doped
D) not doped

Bipolar Junction Transistors Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Bipolar Junction Transistors App (Android & iOS)

Bipolar Junction Transistors App (Android & iOS)

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