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State Chart Diagrams MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The State Chart Diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (State Chart Diagrams MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Database Management System Tests. Study Database Design Methodology and UML Diagrams Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), State Chart Diagrams quiz answers PDF to study e-learning courses. The State Chart Diagrams MCQ App Download: Free learning app for unified modeling language diagrams, uml diagrams, information system life cycle, uml class diagrams test prep for online computer science schools.

The MCQ: The relationship between two independent data tables is classified as; "State Chart Diagrams" App Download (Free) with answers: Structural relationships; Non-structural relationships; Identifying relationships; Non-identifying relationships; to study e-learning courses. Practice State Chart Diagrams Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for computer software engineer.

State Chart Diagrams MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The element of state chart diagrams which uses round corner boxes to represent situations of an object is classified as

  1. life line marker
  2. iteration marker
  3. transitions
  4. state
MCQ 2:

The relationship between two independent data tables is classified as

  1. structural relationships
  2. non-structural relationships
  3. identifying relationships
  4. non-identifying relationships
MCQ 3:

In state chart diagrams, the element which is shown with the help of double line filled circle with pointing arrow is classified as

  1. two degree state
  2. initial state
  3. final state
  4. zero degree state
MCQ 4:

In state chart diagrams, the element which is shown with the help of solid circle with outgoing arrow is classified as

  1. two degree state
  2. initial state
  3. final state
  4. zero degree state
MCQ 5:

The elements included in state chart diagrams are

  1. transitions
  2. condition markers
  3. iteration markers
  4. lifeline markers

Database Management System Practice Tests

State Chart Diagrams Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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State Chart Diagrams App (Android & iOS)

State Chart Diagrams App (Android & iOS)

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