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Database Management System Practice Tests
Database Management System Online Tests
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The MCQ: The architecture of database in which the characteristics such as program insulations, multiple user support and the use of catalogs are achieved is classified as; "Three Schema Architecture" App Download (Free) with answers: Multiple-schema architecture; Single-schema architecture; Two-schema architecture; Three-schema architecture; to learn e-learning courses. Practice Three Schema Architecture Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online computer engineering programs.
In the three-tier architecture, the intermediate layer between database and client servers is classified as
The architecture of database in which the characteristics such as program insulations, multiple user support and the use of catalogs are achieved is classified as
The process of converting the requests into results between three-schema architecture internal, external and conceptual levels is called
The levels in which the three schema architecture can be defined includes
The database management architecture in which there is middle level between database server and client server is classified as
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