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Database Management System Certification Exam Tests

Database Management System Practice Test 80

State Chart Diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 80

The State Chart Diagrams MCQ with Answers PDF (State Chart Diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-80 to prepare Database Management System Practice Tests. Study Database Design Methodology and UML Diagrams Test PDF, State Chart Diagrams Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for 2 year computer science degree. The State Chart Diagrams MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for state chart diagrams, b trees indexing, conceptual database design, information system life cycle, relationship types, sets and roles test prep to study online educational courses.

The MCQ Quiz: In state chart diagrams, the element which is shown with the help of solid circle with outgoing arrow is classified as; "State Chart Diagrams" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Initial state; Two degree state; Final state; Zero degree state; for 2 year computer science degree. Practice Database Design Methodology and UML Diagrams Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for computer science associate degree.

State Chart Diagrams MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 80

MCQ 396:

In state chart diagrams, the element which is shown with the help of solid circle with outgoing arrow is classified as

  1. two degree state
  2. initial state
  3. final state
  4. zero degree state
MCQ 397:

The tree structure diagram in which the pointers of data are stored at the leaf nodes of diagram is classified as

  1. b tree
  2. b+ tree
  3. b2 tree
  4. B* tree
MCQ 398:

The concept in which the same names are used by two different schemas to specify the same idea is called

  1. antonym
  2. synonym
  3. homonym
  4. both b and c
MCQ 399:

In phases of database system life cycle or micro life cycle, the activities included are

  1. monitoring and maintenance
  2. database implementation
  3. application conversion
  4. all of above
MCQ 400:

The databases which are used to represent reference attributes are classified as

  1. ternary databases
  2. string databases
  3. floating databases
  4. object databases

Database Management System Exam Prep Tests

State Chart Diagrams Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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State Chart Diagrams App (Android & iOS)

State Chart Diagrams App (Android & iOS)

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