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Computer Architecture Practice Test 92

Shared Memory Architectures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 92

The Shared Memory Architectures MCQ with Answers PDF (Shared Memory Architectures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-92 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Study Pipelining in Computer Architecture Test PDF, Shared Memory Architectures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for computer information science. The Shared Memory Architectures MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for shared memory architectures, disk storage and dependability, integrated circuits: power and energy, logical instructions, computer networking test prep to learn computing courses online.

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Shared Memory Architectures MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 92

MCQ 456:

The simplest dynamic branch-prediction scheme is a

  1. canceling
  2. branch history buffer
  3. branch history table
  4. branch prediction table
MCQ 457:

Jumping back to calling routine in MIPS is represented as

  1. jl $ra
  2. jr $ra
  3. jump $ra
  4. jmp $ra
MCQ 458:

The particular block's statuses of physical memory are normally kept in one location, called

  1. register
  2. directory
  3. stack
  4. queue
MCQ 459:

The spread of data in the multiple disks is referred to as

  1. SCSI
  2. RAID
  3. striping
  4. hit rate
MCQ 460:

Power is energy/unit time: 1 watt =

  1. 1 coulomb per second
  2. 1 joule per second
  3. 1 joule
  4. 1second

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Shared Memory Architectures Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Shared Memory Architectures App (Android & iOS)

Shared Memory Architectures App (Android & iOS)

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