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Computer Architecture Certification Exam Tests

Computer Architecture Practice Test 93

Physical Infrastructure and Costs Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 93

The Physical Infrastructure and Costs Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Physical Infrastructure and Costs Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-93 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Solve Computer Language and Instructions MCQ with answers PDF, Physical Infrastructure and Costs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer science schools. The Physical Infrastructure and Costs Quiz App Download: Free learning app for physical infrastructure and costs, memory addressing, implementation issues of pipelining, division calculations, simd instruction set extensions test prep for computer software engineer.

The Quiz: If we want to perform memory or arithmetic operations on data in Hexa-decimal mode then we use which symbol before the operand; "Physical Infrastructure and Costs" App Download (Free) with answers: ~; $; *; !; for online computer science schools. Learn Computer Language and Instructions Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science online programs.

Physical Infrastructure and Costs Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 93

MCQ 461:

If we want to perform memory or arithmetic operations on data in Hexa-decimal mode then we use which symbol before the operand

  1. $
  2. ~
  3. *
  4. !
MCQ 462:

Networks that drop packets are sometimes referred to as

  1. flow control
  2. lossless networks
  3. lossy networks
  4. ip offload
MCQ 463:

Increased time for next clicking (ms) for 200 server-delay (ms) is

  1. 200
  2. 500
  3. 800
  4. 900
MCQ 464:

Regs[R4] = Regs[R4]+ Regs[R3]; the given statement represents the

  1. register addressing mode
  2. immediate addressing mode
  3. effective addressing mode
  4. register indirect addressing mode
MCQ 465:

When an instruction is guaranteed to complete, it is called

  1. canceling
  2. deadlock
  3. committed
  4. pipeline stall

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Physical Infrastructure and Costs Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Physical Infrastructure and Costs App (Android & iOS)

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