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Computer Architecture Practice Test 51

Network Routing Arbitration and Switching Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 51

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Network Routing Arbitration and Switching Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 51

MCQ 251:

For paying an extra level of indirection for each memory access, the Virtual machine monitor maintains a

  1. shadow page table
  2. stack table
  3. memory stack
  4. queue
MCQ 252:

When signals can be read and written is known as

  1. execution time
  2. response time
  3. delay time
  4. clocking methodology
MCQ 253:

To pipeline packet transmission across the circuit using staging at each hop along the path, a technique known as

  1. clocking methodology
  2. live lock avoidance
  3. circuit switching
  4. pipelined circuit switching
MCQ 254:

How many Network Interface Card (NIC) is present in baseline design?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
MCQ 255:

Which one of the following is a form of the Loop-carried dependencies?

  1. multi-threading
  2. recurrence
  3. cuda thread
  4. unit block

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Network Routing Arbitration and Switching Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Network Routing Arbitration and Switching App (Android & iOS)

Network Routing Arbitration and Switching App (Android & iOS)

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